Goti Doinik columns

My columns in the Gati Doinik , an Assam-Silchar daily  

My column in the Assam-Silchar daily speaks on the Bangladeshi Hindu genocide

My article speaks on the worship of the disease devis – Sitala to Corona devi

My article speaks on how the worship of Saraswati evolved from that of a river devi to the devi of knowledge and learning

My article speaks on Kalighat patachitra of West Bengal

My article speaks on how the worship of Mother goddesses started and how it evolved to give rise to the present Sakta worship.

It speaks on iconography of certain aspects of the Hindu temple architecture, and explains the symbolism behind ganas, vidyadharas, and apsaras

It speaks on the Alakshmi-Lakshmi duality and Jyestha devi from south India.

It speaks on Hinduism in Cambodia and the Angkor wat temple.


 It speaks on the history of Haya Sophia